Interview with writer-director Aurora Fearnley about her sci-fi and folk horror films and what genre filmmaking can teach us about life's big questions:
Sci- Fi and folk horror films
Folk Horror, Human Nature and Othering
The appeal of genre filmmaking
You can see Aurora's short film 'Pulsar' here
Follow Aurora @AuroraFearnley
Interview with Stephen Rae 'Bard of Cumberland' about his creative endevours in painting, poetry and especially in fuilmmaking. We discuss his surrealist folkore films...
Interview with special guest - folklore podcaster Icy Sedgwick: Introducing the Fabulous Folklore Podcast Origins and purposes of folklore Celebrating folklore from other cultures...
We are joined by Maria Galizia and Caitlin Bramwell who are the hosts of the new Newcastle Witches Podcast. We delve into the history...